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NET Income

NET Income is a marketing management consulting firm established in 1984 to provide marketing services to both for-profit corporations and non-profit organizations. We maintain offices in northern Virginia, but our clients are located throughout the world. 

We help businesses open new markets, develop and implement strategic plans, conduct market research, evaluate and develop marketing communications, and other developmental activities.

We offer specialized services in selected markets such as membership, trade associations,  telework systems, and security. For more information on these areas, select from the options at either side. 


We provide a variety of marketing support services to companies seeking to economize on their marketing budget without compromising on high quality marketing work.  We offer the following consulting and support services:

Guerilla Marketing

Strategic Marketing Planning

Marketing Communications

Trade Show Support (We Exhibit 4 You)

Competitive Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence

Customer Satisfaction

Pardon our dust...

...we are remodeling our web site to better reflect our current business interests and activities.  If you were directed here by a search engine, but cannot find what you wanted, please drop us a line and we'll try to help.

© 1999, NET, Inc.
Webmaster: D. B. Nickell